Free Activity Ideas to Identify the Initial Sound in Words

For beginning readers, it is necesssary for them to be able to hear, not only the initial sound, but each individual sound in words. The first step to hearing all the sounds in a word is to practice hearing and identifying the first sound.

Sound Search

This activity allows students to move around, and therefore is fun for them. Pick a common beginning sound, such as /b/. Discuss with students the sound and explain that they are going to search through the house or classroom for objects that begin with the same sound. Give them an example to model what you are asking.


Teacher/Parent: "Book begins with the sound /b/. What other things can you find in the room that begin with the same sound?"

Possible answers could be: board, boy, banana, braid, bed, bags

This activity can be changed to fit any atmosphere or conditions. It could be done on the playground, on a hike, in the backyard, in small groups, one-on-one, or whole group.

Bag of Sounds

Gather several objects to place in a bag. Have students choose one object from bag and determine the beginning sound of the word.

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