Reading Consonant-Vowel-Consonant (CVC) Words

Magnetic Letters

A quick and easy way to practice reading these words is with magnetic letters. You can buy these at Wal-Mart along with small magnetic boards to place the letters on. This activity works best in small groups. Create CVC words on the board for students to sound out and blend together. Use a combination of real words and nonsense words. Some sample words are listed below. Have students determine whether or not words are real or nonsense.

map cat cap sat hat pap tap gap hap jag rag nag bag bab tab yam lap lat wag zap paz

pez wex yes leg nel mep pev hem yex nem lel wez zel fel yel

lil kix min nis nit fit kit til mil pil pin sip fin him lip

pop hop lom mop pox foz boz box rox roj vov vob mon kob dog

bun fun lug dug zub gux dun rug wuz wug pun yug hug hum vun

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